5 Tips to Properly Supervise Your Dog with Dog Chews

5 Tips to Properly Supervise Your Dog with Dog Chews

Table of Contents:

Choose the Right Chews for Your Dog

Regular Inspection & Removal of Sharp Pieces

Understand Your Dog's Chewing Behavior

Supervise Your Dog While Chewing

Encourage Regular Breaks

Dogs are intuitive to chewing, and a suitable chew toy is an ideal way to satisfy their chewing desires. However, as a responsible dog owner, you must effectively manage your dog’s chewing habits. And that includes the proper supervision of your dog while chewing. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of understanding and managing your dog’s chewing behavior and provide some tips to properly supervise your dog with dog chews.

Here are some tips to properly supervise your dog with dog chews:

Choose the Right Chews for Your Dog

When choosing the suitable chews for your dog, remember the type of chewing behavior they exhibit. The appropriate chew should be safe, durable, and offer a challenging experience. Consider the size, firmness, and texture of the toy. For example, small and soft chew may be dangerous for large dogs that like to chew aggressively.

  • Evaluating Different Types of Chews

Different chews include yak chews, rawhide, bones, antlers, rubber, and nylon chews. Other chews include yak chews, rawhide, bones, antlers, rubber, and nylon chews. Evaluate these chews carefully to ensure that they are safe chews for dogs. Choosing the right chew provides the best safety supervision for dog chews and promotes good health.

  • Size and Hardness Considerations

Choosing a size-appropriate chew that matches the hardness level of your dog’s chewing strength is critical. A small chew toy is a choking hazard for large dogs that like to swallow their whole. A large chew toy may be too tough for small dogs with delicate teeth.

Regular Inspection & Removal of Sharp Pieces

Regular inspections of your dog's chew are an integral part of pet care, helping to ensure your dog's health and safety. This involves carefully examining small or sharp pieces that might have broken off during play. Such fragments could pose a serious risk if swallowed or lodged in. This could not only cause significant discomfort for your pet but might also lead to more serious harm. Prompt removal of these potential hazards is, therefore, essential. By being vigilant and proactive, these chews will help to prevent these common dangers and keep your dog safe and happy.

Understand Your Dog's Chewing Behavior

Dogs naturally need to chew; this behavior starts as puppies and continues throughout their lives. Chewing is a way for dogs to relieve anxiety and stress, keep their teeth clean, and exercise their jaws. Knowing what’s behind your dog’s chewing behavior will help you understand what they need and how to fulfill them.

  • Interpreting Different Chewing Patterns

Different dogs have different chewing patterns. Some dogs like to chew all day, while others may only show interest in a particular toy. If your dog is a heavy chewer, consider providing several chews to keep them occupied. On the other hand, if your dog chews things they shouldn’t, like shoes or furniture, it’s important to provide them with appropriate chews and train them to redirect their chewing behavior.

  • The Two Types of Chewers: Aggressive and Non-Aggressive

There are two types of chewers: aggressive and non-aggressive. Aggressive chewers are dogs that chew everything with intensity and may destroy their chews quickly. The correct chew should be tough and durable for this type of dog. Non-aggressive chewers, on the other hand, prefer softer chews that are easy on their teeth.

Also Learn: Dog chews for aggressive chewers

Supervise Your Dog While Chewing

Proper supervision while your dog is chewing is crucial to ensuring their safety and well-being, particularly if your dog is a heavy chewer. The right supervision of dogs with chews helps prevent choking hazards, toy fragments ingestion, or swallowing and prevents accidents.

Supervising dog chews helps you maintain control over your dog and prevent them from chewing things off-limits. Dogs are curious and love to chew furniture, shoes, and other household items if left unsupervised. With supervision, this could lead to an appropriate chewing habit that you may find challenging to correct.

Encourage Regular Breaks

Promoting regular breaks during your dog's chewing sessions is essential for their health and enjoyment. Chewing is a stimulating activity for dogs, but without breaks, it may lead to exhaustion. Pausing intermittently helps to prevent this, ensuring your pet remains vigorous and lively. Moreover, continuous chewing increases the risk of choking, especially if the chew becomes small enough to be swallowed.

In case of yak chews, you can microwave yak chews that are remained after chewing to make crunchy cheese puffs for your dogs.

Regular breaks allow your dog to digest properly and reduce the likelihood of such hazards. Additionally, these pauses heighten your pet's pleasure during the chewing experience. Like us, dogs appreciate a treat more when not consumed in one go. So, remember to encourage your dog to take a breather during their chew sessions – it's a boon for their health, safety, and overall enjoyment.


Understanding and managing your dog’s chewing habits are essential for their safety and well-being. As a responsible dog owner, you will be able to keep your dog safe while providing a fulfilling chewing experience by selecting a safe and suitable chew for your dog to supervise your dog’s chewing behavior. Following these tips to supervise your dog with dog chews properly will ensure that your dog remains happy, healthy, and entertained while maintaining a safe and fulfilling chewing experience.


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