Maltese Care: Diet, Health, and Training Tips


Learn all about the Maltese breed, from their affectionate nature and playful spirit to essential care guidelines for diet, health, and training.

Coat Type: Silky
Coat Length: Long
Male Height: 7-9 inches
Female Height: 7-9 inches
Male Weight: under 7 pounds
Female Weight: under 7 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

Breed Characteristics

Adaptability level
Affectionate with family
Drooling level
Barking level
Coat grooming frequency
Energy level
Good with other dogs
Good with young children
Mental stimulation needs
Openness to strangers
Playfulness level
Shedding level
Trainability level
Watchdog protective nature


The Maltese, with its flowing white mane and button eyes, has charmed dog lovers across the globe, earning its place as one of the most adored small breeds. Its popularity doesn't just stem from its luxurious appearance; it’s also their spirited personality and loving nature that win hearts.

This article is dedicated to providing insights into what makes the Maltese such a treasured companion. From their distinctive traits and care needs to dietary tips and common health concerns, we aim to cover all the essentials. Whether you're a prospective Maltese owner or already have one of these delightful dogs at home, this guide is designed to help you understand and care for your furry friend better, keeping them healthy, happy, and thriving in your loving home.

Maltese Traits and Characteristics

Maltese dogs are known for their luxurious white coats and charming personalities, making them a beloved pet in homes around the world. These small yet sturdy companions are famed for their affectionate nature and adapt well to various living environments. Below is a detailed look at the characteristics and personality traits of the Maltese breed:

  • Affectionate with Family: Maltese are exceptionally loving towards their family members, oftenforming strong bonds and offering comfort and companionship.
  • Good with Young Children: While they can be good with children, Maltese may be better suited tofamilies with older kids who understand how to interact gently with small dogs.
  • Good with Other Dogs: They can coexist peacefully with other dogs, especially when socializedfrom a young age.
  • Shedding Level: These dogs have a silky coat that sheds very little, making them a great optionfor those concerned about pet hair in the home.
  • Coat Grooming Frequency: Their long and luxurious coat requires regular grooming to keep itlooking its best and to prevent mats and tangles.
  • Drooling Level: Maltese dogs are not known to drool much, keeping your home cleaner and morehygienic.
  • Coat Type and Length: The breed sports a beautiful silky coat that is long and can sweep theground if not trimmed.
  • Openness to Strangers: They are somewhat reserved when meeting new people, but they can warm upto strangers with proper introductions.
  • Playfulness Level: Maltese enjoy playtime and can be quite playful, especially when it involvesinteractive games with their owners.
  • Watchdog/Protective Nature: They have a protective streak and can be surprisingly alert, oftenserving as an effective watchdog.
  • Adaptability Level: Maltese are adaptable and can thrive in various living situations, providedthey have companionship and love.
  • Trainability Level: Training a Maltese may require patience, but they are capable of learningand responding well to positive reinforcement techniques.
  • Energy Level: These dogs have a moderate energy level; they enjoy regular activity but alsoappreciate relaxing with their owners.
  • Barking Level: A Maltese might bark to alert their owners or express themselves, but withproper training, this can be managed.
  • Mental Stimulation Needs: They benefit from mental stimulation to keep them engaged and happy,which can include puzzle toys or learning new tricks.
  • Physical Traits: Typically, both male and female Maltese stand at 7-9 inches tall and weighunder 7 pounds, which classifies them as a toy breed.
  • Life Expectancy: With proper care, Maltese can enjoy a lifespan of 12-15 years, offering yearsof joy and companionship to their owners.

The Maltese breed's unique combination of elegance and playful charm has captured the hearts of dog lovers for generations. Their manageable size and loving disposition make them excellent companions, while their intelligence and alertness make them more than just lapdogs. Whether living in an apartment or a house with a yard, a Maltese can make a delightful addition to almost any family.

Food and Nutrition - Keeping Maltese Healthy

A balanced diet is crucial for the health and well-being of a Maltese, as it is for any breed. These small dogs have specific nutritional requirements that must be met to maintain their energy levels and support their overall health. Maltese dogs thrive on high-quality dog food that meets the nutrient requirements for their size and activity level.

It's essential to provide them with meals that are rich in proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, along with a suitable blend of vitamins and minerals to support their bodily functions.

While regular meals are fundamental, treats also play a role in a Maltese's diet. Treats like our chew product, the "Tibetian Dog Chew," can be a valuable addition to their dietary regimen. Made with 100% natural ingredients and containing high levels of protein, this chew is a healthy option that can aid in dental hygiene by reducing tartar and plaque buildup.

It's a high calorie dog treat that's also long-lasting and non-staining, making it a suitable choice for owners who are mindful of their pet's health and cleanliness. However, it's important to remember that treats like our chew product are supplements and should not replace a Maltese's main diet.

When considering how many times to feed a Maltese, it's typically recommended to divide their daily food intake into two meals. This not only helps in maintaining a low fat dog food regime but also prevents overeating, which can lead to obesity—a common health concern in small breeds.

Good dog food for Maltese will be formulated to meet their energy needs while keeping in mind that they are prone to weight gain. Always consult with a veterinarian to determine the best feeding schedule and portion sizes to ensure a balanced diet for a Maltese, keeping them healthy, happy, and full of life.

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Health Information of Maltese

The Maltese breed, with its luxurious coat and petite stature, is generally known for its long life expectancy of 12-15 years. However, like all breeds, they have certain health concerns that owners should be aware of. Proactive care and regular veterinary check-ups can help ensure that these dogs live a full and healthy life. Here are some of the common health issues found in Maltese dogs:

  • Dental Problems: Maltese are prone to dental issues, which makes oral hygiene a critical part of their care routine. Regular brushing and professional dental cleanings are recommended.
  • Obesity: Due to their small size, Maltese can easily become overweight, which can lead to other health problems. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen is essential.
  • Skin Allergies: These dogs may suffer from skin allergies that can lead to discomfort and require treatment.
  • Luxating Patella: A condition where the kneecap moves out of place, which can affect a Maltese's mobility.
  • Eye Conditions: Maltese may experience various eye conditions, such as tear staining or more serious issues that may require veterinary attention.

To help maintain good health in a Maltese, incorporating dog health tips into their routine care is advisable. Ensuring they receive a balanced diet, plenty of exercises, and routine grooming can contribute to their overall well-being. Chews like our antler products can be beneficial for dental health by helping to keep teeth clean and reducing the risk of dental problems.

It's important to note that while products like our antler chews can support health, they are not a cure or prevention for genetic or chronic health issues. Always seek professional help if there are concerns about a Maltese's health. Veterinarians can provide valuable guidance and treatment options tailored to each individual dog's needs. Early detection and treatment of health issues are vital, so regular veterinary visits should be a priority for every Maltese owner.

How To Train and Care Maltese

Training a Maltese can be a rewarding experience due to their intelligent and responsive nature. These dogs do well with positive reinforcement methods, where good behavior is rewarded with treats and praise. Consistency is key when training a Maltese; short, regular training sessions work best to keep them engaged without overwhelming them.

Basic dog training commands such as 'sit', 'stay', 'come', and 'heel' are fundamental and can be taught from a young age. Obedience training for Maltese at home can strengthen the bond between the dog and the owner, and also ensure that the Maltese is well-behaved and sociable.

Our Puffs products can be incredibly effective as a training aid. Since they contain the same natural ingredients as our chew product, they are a healthy treat option that can capture a Maltese's attention and motivation during training sessions.

The high protein content in these treats is satisfying for the dog, while their limited ingredients list ensures that you're not introducing any unwanted additives into their diet. Rewarding a Maltese with these Puffs for following a command or demonstrating good behavior can reinforce positive actions and encourage them to repeat those behaviors.

When using treats like our Puffs products in training, it's essential to factor them into the Maltese's overall diet to prevent overfeeding. As with any treat, they should be given in moderation. Alongside training, routine care for Maltese includes regular grooming, exercise, and mental stimulation.

These small dogs benefit from daily brushing to keep their coat free of mats and tangles, and regular exercise to maintain their health. Mental stimulation can come from interactive play and learning new tricks, which keeps their mind sharp. Remember, always consult with a professional trainer or veterinarian for personalized advice tailored to your Maltese's needs.

Watch your dog chew on pure happiness!

Introducing Yak Cheese Puffs – the ultimate delight for your furry friend's taste buds. Keep them entertained and satisfied with a treat that's as joyful as they are!

Best Popular and Unique Names For Maltese

Searching for a great and unique dog name for your Maltese? Worry not, here are some unique and purr-fect dog names for your furry friend.

Male Maltese Name Female Maltese Name
Baxter Bella
Teddy Daisy
Louie Luna
Finn Ruby
Gizmo Zoe
Toby Chloe
Oscar Sadie
Max Molly
Charlie Gigi
Milo Rosie

Frequently Asked Questions about Maltese

How do I stop my Maltese from barking excessively?

Maltese can be vocal, but excessive barking is often a sign of a need for attention, stimulation, or training. To reduce barking, ensure your Maltese has enough physical exercise, mental stimulation, and regular social interaction. Training your dog to understand the 'quiet' command can also be effective. If the barking persists, consider consulting a professional trainer for further guidance.

What are some effective training tips for a Maltese?

Positive reinforcement is the most effective training method for a Maltese. Use treats like our Puffs products to reward good behavior, and keep training sessions short and engaging. Consistency and patience are crucial, and it's important to start training early to establish good habits and socialization.

How often should I groom my Maltese?

Regular grooming is essential for maintaining the health and appearance of a Maltese's coat. Daily brushing helps prevent mats and tangles, and professional grooming should be done every 4-6 weeks. Pay attention to ear cleaning, nail trimming, and dental care as part of their routine maintenance.

Is a Maltese suitable for families with children?

Maltese can do well with children, especially if they are raised together. However, due to their small size, it's important that children learn to handle them gently. Always supervise interactions between children and your Maltese to ensure the safety of both the dog and the child.

What should I feed my Maltese to keep them healthy?

Feed your Maltese high-quality dog food that's appropriate for their age, size, and activity level. Ensure their diet is balanced and meets all their nutritional needs. Treats should be given in moderation and should not replace their main meals. Always provide fresh water, and consult your veterinarian for personalized dietary advice.

These FAQs provide information about Maltese, covering topics related to behavior, training, grooming, suitability for families, and dietary needs to assist potential and current owners in understanding and caring for this breed.


This article shares information about dog breeds for educational purposes only, using the American Kennel Club (AKC) as our main source because they're experts on dog breeds. But remember, every dog is unique. What we share might not fit every single dog, even if they are from the same breed. If your dog needs help, whether it's for health or behavior, it's always best to talk to a vet or a dog trainer. They can give advice that fits your pet's specific needs.

We want to help you learn about dogs and how to take care of them, but we can't replace professional advice. Always check with a professional if you're not sure about something to make sure your dog is healthy and happy.