Otterhound Care: Diet & Health Essentials


Learn about the friendly Otterhound, their needs, from feeding to training, and how to keep them healthy and happy.

Coat Type: Rough
Coat Length: Medium
Male Height: 27 inches
Female Height: 24 inches
Male Weight: 115 pounds
Female Weight: 80 pounds
Life Expectancy: 10-13 years

Breed Characteristics

Adaptability level
Affectionate with family
Drooling level
Barking level
Coat grooming frequency
Energy level
Good with other dogs
Good with young children
Mental stimulation needs
Openness to strangers
Playfulness level
Shedding level
Trainability level
Watchdog protective nature


Otterhounds may not be the most well-known breed, but their unique charm and amiable personality have won the hearts of dog lovers worldwide. With their shaggy fur and keen sense of smell, these rare dogs are a delightful blend of companion and working dog. This article is designed to be your go-to guide on Otterhounds, delving into their traits, care, and everything in between.

Whether you're considering adding an Otterhound to your family or simply curious about this distinctive breed, our insights will help you understand what makes them special and how to ensure they thrive in their forever homes. Keep reading to uncover the world of Otterhounds, from their playful behavior to their specific care needs, and get ready to be captivated by their endearing qualities.

Otterhounds Traits and Characteristics

Otterhounds are a unique breed known for their friendly nature and distinctive appearance. These dogs are well-loved by those familiar with the breed, as they make a loyal companion for the right owner. Here are some of the key characteristics and personality traits of Otterhounds, based on the data provided:

  • Affectionate with family: Otterhounds are known to be very loving and devoted to their family members. They enjoy spending time with their human companions and are often eager to show their affection.
  • Suitable for families with older children: While they can be good with young children, their size and energy may be too much for toddlers. Older children who know how to interact with dogs will find them to be playful and gentle companions.
  • Sociability with other dogs: They usually get along well with other dogs, but it's always a good idea to introduce pets cautiously and supervise their interactions.
  • Moderate shedding: Otterhounds have a coat that sheds at a moderate rate, which means they will require regular brushing to manage loose hair.
  • Grooming needs: Their rough, medium-length coat should be groomed a couple of times a week to prevent matting and to keep it clean.
  • Drooling potential: They have a moderate tendency to drool, so it's not uncommon to find a little slobber here and there, especially after they eat or drink.
  • Openness to strangers: Otterhounds are generally friendly towards strangers, making them less suitable as guard dogs but great for households that have frequent visitors.
  • Playfulness: They have a playful side and enjoy engaging in games and activities with their family.
  • Protective nature: While friendly, they can be protective of their home and family when the situation calls for it.
  • Adaptability: Otterhounds are adaptable dogs who can adjust to various living situations as long as they have enough space to move around and get exercise.
  • Trainability: They are intelligent and can be trained, but they may have an independent streak. Patience and consistency are key in training.
  • Energy level: These dogs have a moderate energy level, requiring regular exercise to keep them healthy and happy.
  • Barking: Otterhounds are known for their distinctive barking. They can be vocal, which is something potential owners should consider.
  • Mental stimulation needs: They require a fair amount of mental stimulation to prevent boredom, which can lead to destructive behavior.
  • Size: Males typically stand about 27 inches tall and weigh around 115 pounds, while females are slightly smaller, standing about 24 inches tall and weighing around 80 pounds.
  • Lifespan: They generally live for 10-13 years, which is relatively standard for a dog of their size.

Understanding these traits will help prospective owners provide the best care for an Otterhound, ensuring a happy and healthy life for these affectionate and unique dogs.

Food and Nutrition - Keeping Otterhounds Healthy

Otterhounds are large and robust dogs with specific dietary needs that must be met to maintain their health and vitality. A balanced diet is crucial for these dogs, as it supports their energy levels, keeps their rough coats shiny and healthy, and helps prevent common health issues.

Owners should look for good dog food for Otterhounds that is rich in nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. High-quality, low-fat dog food can help prevent obesity, which is particularly important for this breed, given their moderate energy levels.

When feeding an Otterhound, it is typically recommended to divide their daily food intake into two meals. This helps in managing their digestion and energy. Nutrient requirements for Otterhounds should be tailored to their size and activity level, with special attention given to the calorie content to avoid weight gain.

High calorie dog treats should be given sparingly, and instead, owners can opt for healthier alternatives. For instance, our chew product, the Tibetan Dog Chew, is an excellent addition to their diet, providing them with a high-protein, long-lasting treat that is 100% natural and free of preservatives. This can help satisfy their chewing behavior, promote dental hygiene, and offer a healthy snack.

However, it's essential to remember that while treats like our chew product are beneficial for dental health and as a behavioral aid, they are not a substitute for a complete diet. Otterhounds still require a consistent supply of balanced dog food that meets all their nutritional needs.

Treats should only complement a well-rounded diet, ensuring these dogs get all the necessary components for a healthy life. Always consult with a veterinarian to create a diet plan that's tailored for an individual Otterhound's health and lifestyle requirements.

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Health Information of Otterhounds

Otterhounds, with their distinctive personality and appearance, also come with a set of health concerns that owners should be aware of. These dogs typically have a life expectancy of 10 to 13 years, and like any breed, they may face certain health issues during their lifetime.

Paying attention to these concerns and seeking professional veterinary care can help ensure they lead a full and happy life. Here are some common health issues that may affect Otterhounds, along with dog health tips for their care:

  • Hip dysplasia: A condition where the hip joint doesn't fit together perfectly, which can lead to arthritis or pain. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can help manage this condition.
  • Ear infections: Due to their long, floppy ears, Otterhounds are prone to ear infections. Keeping their ears clean and dry is essential for preventing infections.
  • Bloat: A serious condition that can affect large, deep-chested dogs like Otterhounds. To minimize the risk, avoid feeding them large meals right before or after exercise and consider using slow-feeder bowls.

Incorporating antler products, similar to our chew product, into an Otterhound's routine can contribute positively to their health. Chewing on antlers is a natural way for dogs to clean their teeth, reducing the buildup of plaque and tartar, which can lead to dental issues.

Additionally, antlers are long-lasting and provide mental stimulation, helping to reduce boredom and anxiety, which can sometimes lead to destructive behaviors.

Some general dog health tips for Otterhound owners include:

  • Regular check-ups with a veterinarian to monitor their health and catch any issues early.
  • Keeping up to date with vaccinations and preventative treatments for parasites.
  • Providing a balanced diet and monitoring their food intake to prevent obesity.
  • Ensuring they get enough exercise to maintain their physical health and mental well-being.

If any health concerns or unusual behaviors are observed, it's always best to seek professional help. Veterinarians can provide specific advice and treatment options tailored to each Otterhound's individual needs. Remember, the right care and attention can help prevent many common ailments and contribute to a healthier, more enjoyable life for these affectionate dogs.

How To Train and Care Otterhounds

Training Otterhounds can be a rewarding experience due to their intelligence and ability to learn. However, they also have an independent nature, which means it's important to use the right training methods. Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective techniques for training Otterhounds.

This method involves rewarding good behavior with treats, praise, or playtime, which encourages the dog to repeat those behaviors. Consistency and patience are key in training; short, engaging training sessions will keep the Otterhound interested and focused.

Our Puffs products, which have the same high-quality ingredients as the Tibetan Dog Chew, can be particularly useful in training sessions. These treats are small and easy to carry, making them an ideal reward during obedience training for Otterhounds at home.

The high protein content and appealing taste of the Puffs make them a desirable reward, motivating the Otterhound to pay attention and follow commands. Since they are a treat, it's important to use them sparingly to maintain a balanced diet and prevent overfeeding.

In addition to using treats like our Puffs products, training should also incorporate regular grooming maintenance to accustom the Otterhound to being handled. This is essential since Otterhounds require regular grooming to keep their coat in good condition. Basic dog training commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel should be taught from an early age to ensure good manners and safety.

Always end training sessions on a positive note to keep the experience enjoyable for the dog. If challenges arise during training, don't hesitate to seek professional help or advice from a certified dog trainer. With the right approach, Otterhounds can be well-mannered and obedient companions.

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Best Popular and Unique Names For Otterhound

Searching for a great and unique dog name for your Otterhound? Worry not, here are some unique and purr-fect dog names for your furry friend.

Male Otterhound Name Female Otterhound Name
Baxter Willow
Winston Hazel
Murphy Ruby
Jasper Bella
Tucker Luna
Finn Sadie
Oliver Molly
Beau Piper
Archie Daisy
Samson Stella

Frequently Asked Questions about Otterhounds

How much exercise do Otterhounds need?

Otterhounds have a moderate energy level and require regular exercise to stay healthy. Daily walks and playtime in a secure area are recommended. Running with Otterhounds can also be a great way to keep them fit, but always ensure they are on a leash or in a safe, enclosed space.

What are some effective training tips for Otterhounds?

Otterhounds respond well to positive reinforcement, such as praise and treats. Obedience training for Otterhounds at home should be consistent and done in short, engaging sessions to keep their attention. Using treats like our Puffs products can be a helpful incentive during training.

Do Otterhounds require special grooming care?

Yes, regular grooming for Otterhounds should be considered essential. Their medium-length rough coat needs to be brushed a couple of times a week to prevent matting and to keep it clean. They also benefit from regular ear cleanings to prevent infections.

Can Otterhounds live in apartments?

Otterhounds can adapt to apartment living if they receive enough exercise. However, they are large dogs and do best with access to a yard where they can explore and play. If you live in an apartment, regular outdoor activity is crucial to meet their exercise needs.

What should I do if my Otterhound is chewing everything?

Chewing behavior in Otterhounds can be common, especially if they're bored or teething. Providing them with appropriate chew toys or treats, like our Puffs products, can help redirect this behavior. Ensure they have plenty of mental stimulation and are getting enough physical exercise to reduce the urge to chew on inappropriate items. If the problem persists, consult a professional trainer for additional guidance.


This article shares information about dog breeds for educational purposes only, using the American Kennel Club (AKC) as our main source because they're experts on dog breeds. But remember, every dog is unique. What we share might not fit every single dog, even if they are from the same breed. If your dog needs help, whether it's for health or behavior, it's always best to talk to a vet or a dog trainer. They can give advice that fits your pet's specific needs.

We want to help you learn about dogs and how to take care of them, but we can't replace professional advice. Always check with a professional if you're not sure about something to make sure your dog is healthy and happy.