Tibetan Spaniel Guide: Care, Diet & Training

Tibetan Spaniels

Learn about Tibetan Spaniels, their care, diet, and training tips, and why they make such great companions for all types of families.

Coat Type: Double
Coat Length: Medium
Male Height: 10 inches
Female Height: 10 inches
Male Weight: 9-15 pounds
Female Weight: 9-15 pounds
Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

Breed Characteristics

Adaptability level
Affectionate with family
Drooling level
Barking level
Coat grooming frequency
Energy level
Good with other dogs
Good with young children
Mental stimulation needs
Openness to strangers
Playfulness level
Shedding level
Trainability level
Watchdog protective nature


Tibetan Spaniels, or "Tibbies" as they are affectionately known, are small dogs with a rich history and a personality that has captured the hearts of dog enthusiasts around the world. Their popularity stems from their loving nature, manageable size, and majestic appearance reminiscent of their storied past in the Himalayan monasteries.

This article is designed to provide dog lovers with comprehensive insights into the world of Tibetan Spaniels. From understanding their unique temperament and dietary needs to effective training methods and routine care, we aim to cover all aspects that make Tibbies wonderful companions. Whether you're a prospective owner or simply eager to learn more about these charming canines, this article will serve as your guide to the delightful breed of Tibetan Spaniels.

Tibetan Spaniels Traits and Characteristics

Tibetan Spaniels are a charming and distinctive breed known for their intelligence, playfulness, and affectionate nature. With a history as monastery dogs in the Himalayas, they carry a regal presence and are often considered good companions.

Their small size and moderate energy levels make them suitable for various living situations, from apartments to houses with yards. Below is a detailed list of their characteristics and personality traits based on the provided breed information.

  • Appearance:Tibetan Spaniels boast a medium-length double coat that gives them a plush appearance. Their coat comes in various colors and patterns, and they have a mane of thicker fur around the neck, which is more pronounced in males.
  • Temperament:These dogs are known for being loving and devoted to their families. They are generally good with children, making them excellent family pets. Their social nature extends to other dogs, though they can be discerning when it comes to making new canine friends.
  • Behavior:Tibetan Spaniels are alert and have a protective nature, often serving as good watchdogs. They are not known for excessive drooling. They enjoy playtime and require a moderate amount of mental stimulation to stay happy and engaged.
  • Adaptability:The breed adapts well to different living conditions and can thrive in both urban and rural settings. They are also known to be quite playful, enjoying interactive games that challenge their minds.
  • Trainability:While intelligent, Tibetan Spaniels have an independent streak, which can sometimes make training a challenge. However, with patience and consistency, they can learn basic obedience commands.
  • Exercise:They have a moderate energy level and do not require extensive exercise, but they do enjoy regular walks and play sessions to keep fit.
  • Health:Typically, they are a robust breed with a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years. Prospective owners should be aware of common health concerns and ensure routine care to maintain their wellbeing.

When it comes to treats and rewards, "Our chew product" is an excellent option for Tibetan Spaniels. It's a 100% natural, hand-crafted chew without preservatives, offering a high-protein, long-lasting treat that supports dental hygiene without the mess.

Food and Nutrition - Keeping Tibetan Spaniels Healthy

Tibetan Spaniels require a well-balanced diet to maintain their health and vitality. A balanced diet for these dogs should include the right proportions of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals to meet their nutrient requirements. High-quality dog food, specifically formulated for small breeds, can provide this balance, ensuring they receive all the necessary nutrients for their daily activities.

It's important to select good dog food for Tibetan Spaniels that addresses their unique dietary needs and contributes to their overall well-being. Feeding them twice a day is generally recommended to manage their energy levels and digestion.

While treats can be a beneficial addition to a Tibetan Spaniel's diet, they should not replace complete meals. Our chew product, made from natural ingredients like yak and cow milk, is a high-calorie dog treat that can be used to reward good behavior or as a supplementary snack.

It's crucial to remember that while these chews are high in protein and can help with dental hygiene, they are not meant to be the primary food source. Treats should only make up a small percentage of a dog's daily caloric intake to avoid weight gain and nutritional imbalances.

Lastly, Tibetan Spaniels, like any other dog breed, can have specific dietary needs based on their age, weight, and health status. Low-fat dog food might be necessary for those prone to weight gain, while others may require different formulations. Always consult with a veterinarian to determine the best diet plan for your Tibetan Spaniel, ensuring they receive all the nutrients they need. Regular check-ups can help identify any dietary adjustments needed to address issues such as common health problems and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Tibetan Dog Chew - Keeps Your Dog Happy, Healthy & Engaged

Unleash the unbeatable goodness and unmatched quality for your dog with our yak cheese dog chews! Our 100% natural, hand-crafted, preservative-free, and long-lasting chews are the perfect treat for your furry friends.

Health Information of Tibetan Spaniels

Tibetan Spaniels are generally considered a healthy breed with a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years. However, like all dog breeds, they are susceptible to certain health concerns that owners should be aware of. Regular veterinary check-ups and proper care can help ensure these dogs live a full and healthy life. Here are some common health issues to watch out for, along with general care tips to maintain the health of a Tibetan Spaniel:

  • Eye problems such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) can occur in this breed, so regular eye exams are recommended.
  • Patellar luxation, a condition where the kneecap dislodges, is another concern that may affect some Tibetan Spaniels.
  • Because of their moderate energy levels and risk of weight gain, maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise is important to prevent obesity-related health issues.

Incorporating dog health tips into the daily routine can significantly benefit a Tibetan Spaniel's overall well-being. For example, ensuring they have a balanced diet, ample fresh water, and regular exercise can help keep them in good shape. Additionally, dental health is a vital part of a dog's care, and our antler products can play a role in this area. These chews are not only enjoyable for the dog but can also help in maintaining dental hygiene by reducing plaque and tartar build-up.

It is always crucial to seek professional advice when it comes to your dog's health. If you notice any signs of illness or behavioral changes in your Tibetan Spaniel, consulting with a veterinarian should be a priority. Early detection and treatment of health issues can lead to better outcomes. Remember, a proactive approach to your dog's health care can contribute significantly to their happiness and longevity.

How To Train and Care Tibetan Spaniels

Training Tibetan Spaniels requires patience and understanding of their independent nature. Effective training methods for this breed include positive reinforcement and consistent, short training sessions to keep them engaged without overwhelming them. Starting training from a young age can establish good habits and obedience. It's essential to use clear and simple commands and to reward desired behaviors promptly to reinforce good conduct.

Our Puffs products, which contain the same natural ingredients as our chew product, can be particularly useful during these training sessions. These treats can serve as an immediate reward for positive behavior, such as successfully following a command or demonstrating good manners. Due to their appealing taste and high-value nature, Puffs can help maintain a Tibetan Spaniel's interest and motivation during training activities, making them a beneficial aid in reinforcing lessons.

While training is crucial, so is remembering the overall care for Tibetan Spaniels. Regular grooming, adequate exercise, and mental stimulation are part of a comprehensive care routine that keeps them healthy and content. Always approach training with a gentle hand and lots of encouragement, and remember that the aim is to build a trusting relationship with your Tibetan Spaniel. As with any aspect of dog care, if there are concerns or questions about training methods, it's advisable to seek guidance from a professional trainer or behaviorist.

Watch your dog chew on pure happiness!

Introducing Yak Cheese Puffs – the ultimate delight for your furry friend's taste buds. Keep them entertained and satisfied with a treat that's as joyful as they are!

Best Popular and Unique Names For Tibetan Spaniels

Searching for a great and unique dog name for your Tibetan Spaniels? Worry not, here are some unique and purr-fect dog names for your furry friend.

Male Tibetan Spaniels Name Female Tibetan Spaniels Name
Tashi Lhamo
Norbu Dawa
Loki Bella
Simba Maya
Koda Zoe
Zephyr Luna
Jasper Ruby
Bodhi Momo
Finn Kiki
Leo Willow

FAQs About Tibetan Spaniels

What kind of behavior can I expect from a Tibetan Spaniel?

Tibetan Spaniels are affectionate and loyal to their families, with a friendly disposition. They can be good with children and other dogs but may be reserved around strangers. Their playful and alert nature makes them excellent companions.

Are Tibetan Spaniels easy to train?

These dogs are intelligent but have an independent streak, which may present some challenges in training. Consistency, patience, and the use of positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats like our Puffs products, can help in effectively training a Tibetan Spaniel.

How much exercise does a Tibetan Spaniel need?

Tibetan Spaniels have a moderate energy level and do not require extensive exercise. Daily walks, play sessions, and some indoor activities to stimulate their mind are sufficient to keep them happy and healthy.

What are some common health concerns for Tibetan Spaniels?

While generally healthy, they may be prone to certain issues like eye problems, including Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), and patellar luxation. Regular veterinary visits and a balanced diet are key to preventing and managing these concerns.

How do I care for my Tibetan Spaniel's coat?

Tibetan Spaniels have a medium-length double coat that requires regular brushing, about twice a week, to prevent matting and reduce shedding. They typically don't need frequent baths, but keeping their coat clean and trimmed, especially around the eyes and paws, is important for their grooming maintenance.

Remember, these FAQs provide a general overview, and if you have specific dog care questions, it's always best to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer.


This article shares information about dog breeds for educational purposes only, using the American Kennel Club (AKC) as our main source because they're experts on dog breeds. But remember, every dog is unique. What we share might not fit every single dog, even if they are from the same breed. If your dog needs help, whether it's for health or behavior, it's always best to talk to a vet or a dog trainer. They can give advice that fits your pet's specific needs.

We want to help you learn about dogs and how to take care of them, but we can't replace professional advice. Always check with a professional if you're not sure about something to make sure your dog is healthy and happy.